Should Legal Driving Age be Increased to 21?


driving age


As per the government statistics India reports one death per minute due to Road Accidents. We report 130,000 deaths every year due to Road accidents and we’re become No. 1 country due to deaths because of road accidents. Don’t you think we are becoming No. 1 in everything except in good things? As per the World Health Organization reports the reasons for deaths due to driving is because of driving without helmet, speeding and under age driving. The report goes on to saying that every year per hour 40 people under the age of 25 die due to road accidents and this is the second major cause of death as per the WHO.

We are losing people anyway because of smoking and sicknesses and driving has joined in the competition. The worse to it is that we are losing our future those who are responsible to make the country better. As per Indian rules we are allowed driving at the age of 16 as long as it is a 50cc Vehicle. While the legal age of driving is 18.But being Indians we are meant to brake rules and we do that we see kids at the age of 14 and 15 driving it is because our laws are not stringent and our country is corrupt. So what do we just pity the number of deaths statistics every year and number of news of death on the paper? Either pity them or read it like a hot new isn’t it? With joint efforts w e can do one thing that is work towards rising the driving age from 18 to 21…To convince let us see reason to raise driving age.

  1. Firstly because the teens are cell phone addicted and so they are always with a headset either talking or listening to music while driving and then we all knows what happens.
  2. At the age of 16 to 20 teens are not responsible and they make a wrong use of freedom so it is better to increase the age when they actually become a little responsible.
  3. Teens today are all partyholics and hence drink and then drive and bear the consequences.
  4. Teens are full of energy and arrogant a drive recklessly and carelessly without helmets and then meet with accidents.
  5. The obvious reason due to all of the above reason is the number of deaths due to driving is highest in teens.


Hopefully the above reasons are enough to save the future generation and our near and dear ones and along with the government efforts it is our efforts to control our kids that is when government efforts will lead into fruitful benefits.


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