13 Signs That Will Prove You Have The Most Unromantic Boyfriend


unromantic boyfriend

Being a girl we are generally very filmy as in when we are small we believe in a fairytale life where a Prince from somewhere will come and in a very romantic way will propose you and make you forever his…. (Laughs).We grow we become big and kiss many frogs before we get our prince. Not necessary the Mr. Perfect is exactly the one you expect because we never get what we want but we get what is right for us and so it is the same with your guy. The guy might not be that good looking but has a golden heart which matters and there are some who are not that cheesy nor romantic but do love and care for you in their way….Here are certain tips which tell you if your boyfriend is un romantic ?

  1. Watch his expression when he watches romantic movies – If he gives a weird look and doses off in between the movie or gets busy with the phone shows he is not interested. Indeed he has allergy with romantic movies.
  2. You will never hear him saying I Love you…It will be once in a blue moon or only if the situation demands
  3. He will never be interested in that little romantic gestures – like eye to eye contact, romantic talks and do on
  4. He will address you with your name rather than the other cute names….You know what I mean
  5. He is not amongst those who will give your surprise or one who stands on your expectation in terms of romance
  6. He won’t really appreciate the little gifts you give out of love…Instead will find it weird
  7. In return you also really cannot expect from him roses and gifts
  8. He is not amongst those who will cutely talk about your future and little babies together
  9. He doesn’t really appreciate celebrating valentine’s day and all
  10. He is very straight forward in talking not that one who tries to be romantic with his talks even sometimes
  11. He will never send you romantic messages
  12. Your anniversaries are something which is very important to you….but he might simply wish you and finish it rather than the things you expect to make your day special
  13. When it is time to spend some time alone…he won’t really do things you expect but will get you busy with something else like playing a videogame (winks)


I feel they might be shy and cannot really express their feelings the way you want them too. Try and help them out to open up to you and if it is still the same. Appreciate his personality of being different and for your luck you might not know maybe just for you he might actually slowly turn the romantic guy you want (winks)

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