Smriti Irani Proves She Is The Queen Of Politics – Her Latest Interview Will Shock You


Smriti Irani

Union Human Resource Development minister Smriti Irani has accused the Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi for misleading the people of Amethi and Parliament over the Food park issue. She told TV Today Consulting Editor Rajdeep Sardesai in an exclusive interview: “The accusation that we scrapped the food park is absolutely false. In 2010, you came up with grand plan to have a food park in Amethi. In 2012, the Uttar Pradesh government said it is willing to give land for the project. That land has not yet been taken. Then in 2013, the then food processing ministry gets a letter from petroleum ministry, saying they will not give subsidised gas for the project following which the promoter backed out,” Irani claimed.










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