Co-operatives and Rural Markets Question Bank




Q1. Define co-operatives and write its characteristics?

Q2. Explain the social dimensions of co-operative and essence of co-operation?

Q3. Explain the principles and objectives of co-operatives in detail?

Q4. Discuss the main problem involved in effectively managing co-operatives in India?

Q5. What are the important qualities of an effective leader of a co-operative movement? Illustrate your answer with suitable examples?

Q6. What do you mean by “Professionalization of management in co-operatives”?

Q7. What are the roles and functions of Secretary and Chairman?

Q8. What are the procedures of formation and registration of co-operative societies?

Q9. Critically evaluate the role of NABARD in development of credit co-operatives in India?

Q10. “Co-operation has failed, but it must succeed.” Comment on the statement in the context of Rural Credit survey report?

Q11. Explain social objectives and various types of Industrial co-operatives?

Q12. Short Notes:

a) Type of co-operative housing society

b) Need and importance of co-operative marketing

c) Integrated Marketing

d) Rural v/s Urban demand

Q13. Do you agree that there is huge potential in rural market even though a majority of the population is poor. Explain with examples?

Q14. Elaborate on various problems faced by companies in rural market?

Q15. Short Notes:

a) Rural profile

b) Changing pattern of rural demand

c) Rural Consumer behavior

d) Product oriented segmentation

e) Bases of market segmentation

f) Product and pricing strategies in rural market

g) Traits of rural sales person


Q16. Distribute is the key to success. Explain with examples distribution strategies adopted by companies in rural market?

Q17. Describe the job of a rural sales person and how it differs from urban counterpart?

Q18. Explain the role of regulated markets to promote agricultural marketing? What are its limitation?

Q19. Discuss the various kinds of credit requirements in agriculture. What are the major agencies currently involved in granting credit to agricultural community?




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