Heart Or Mind – Who Is Your Decision Maker?


Heart Or Mind

Heart or mind which should we listen to whose instinct should we follow while taking a decision. We are always stuck up between these two when we are supposed to make decisions relating to anything. Be it in choosing a career, which stream to join after SSC, marrying or not, whether the one we are dating is the right person, is dating good or bad, should we follow only parents’ decisions or do we have a right to question them and change our decision according to our own will, should we stay away from people who take our advantage even though we love them a lot, etc.

We come across thousands of questions in life on which we have to take decisions which would prove to be helpful to us in future. We often hear people telling us that ‘you are thinking from your heart, think from your mind’ and in some they say you should think with your heart and not your mind this time.

All these different types of thinking style leads us to different solutions which would make us happy and sometimes sad. This process of making decisions regarding anything is a tedious and confusing job. Because we always tend to have 2 solutions one from our heart and from our head. To decide which would be best for us is a difficult job. So whenever you are stuck in situations one should either talk to one of the elders in the family whose decision they trust blindly or if not you can decide onto your too.

It is very easy If the decision includes family and our loved ones and people who can’t live without us and vice versa we should always trust the decision which comes from our heart and if sometimes we go against our heart we should always stay calm and work towards our decision so that we can prove ourselves right and not regret our decision.

In rest of the cases of course one should be practical and take decisions with their mind [head] so that they can progress.

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Afifa Qureshi


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