For The 100th Time I Am Going To Tell You That ‘Time Is Money’, You Believe It Or Not


time is money

We have heard this proverb nearly 100 times at least but have we ever gone in depth of the proverb to understand the meaning of it? We always hear good quotes, sayings, proverbs, facts, but rarely do we understand the meaning and message behind it.

Time is money has nothing to do with real money but the message behind the proverb is deep. We all know how important is money to each one of us is. Without money we cannot even buy ourselves food to eat which a basic necessity of a human being. You have to earn to spend it. It is the simple rule of life. The years when our parents’ take care of us we do not understand the hard work that they have put in we do feel thankful but the efforts that they had put in is only understood by us when we have to work or when the responsibility of taking care of the house falls on us.

We are often taught by our elders to value time, and the moments that we are in right now as they will never return in our life. All the moments in our special and important in one or the other way. We may feel that we really faced a bad day which did us no good but we forget the lesson that event taught us. Every bad day teaches us a good lesson because of which we do not repeat that same mistake again and face a bad day again.

There are some people who do not learn lessons and keep repeating the same mistakes again and again and waste their precious time. These people are mostly the ones who have no goals in life and also the ones who do not desire of a successful life.

People who learn their lessons on time and value time are surely the one who become the most successful people in life and get the best out of life and strive to lead an even more successful and awesome life so that they can be a role model of someone’s life even when they are no longer alive!  

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Afifa Qureshi