You Will Think I’m Mad If I Say That Television Or Movies Don’t Have An Impact On Youth


couple enjoying a movie at the cinema

Changing of thoughts, introduction of new style and trends, etc is in some way or the other persuaded by television shows and movies we watch.

We all well aware of the fact that change is not brought suddenly it comes slowly. Nowadays many television shows support good causes so that along with entertainment they can provide a message to the masses.

We see that many television and movie celebs are famous amongst people. Their craze is amongst all whether it’s a 5-10 year old kid or their grandparents. It has no age limit. As everyone has their set of likes and dislikes.

Old people characters like the good daughters, sons, and daughter in laws, and all those who value old people, things, customs and traditions! Kids like different cartoons shin Chan, doremon, batman, ben 10 etc. But are they only for the purpose of entertainment. No! Nowadays television daily soaps, reality shows focus on things which can prove to be dangerous for human health and try spreading awareness among people so that they are reminded continuously of what is harmful for them.

Television as well as Movies both have an equal and positive impact on the audience. But television is one such medium where any message which is for the audience is sent faster than movies. As television shows run 24*7 and are quite repetitive and so if at all any person misses it and has not watched it when it was first aired can always wait for its repeat.

In case of movies we watch it once in theatre and we do have an option of buying the cd and keeping it for lifetime with us. But is it on any use? Do we really play the CD only to look at the same message? Usually no!

Thereby, it can be said television has a greater impact on the audience as it brings new messages everyday along with its appropriate dose of entertainment. It provides messages with twists and turns and that is the reason they become more interesting and so people find it addictive and watch more of TV!

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Afifa Qureshi


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