FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Joshi Bedekar College


Joshi-Bedekar College is the first college of higher learning formed in Thane in 1969. The college is located nearby Thane railway station and attracts all the students in Thane district. The college aims to prepare students to take their rightful place in society and contribute to national development.

Here we present FYBMS Cutoff 2015 First Merit List of Joshi Bedekar College:


Commerce stream:

  1. Open Category – 523 marks
  2. SC category – 428 marks
  3. ST category – 293 marks
  4. DT (A) – 260 marks
  5. NTB – 404 marks
  6. NTC – 380 marks
  7. NTD – 343 marks
  8. OBC – 459 marks
  9. SBC – 481 marks
  10. PH – 367 marks
  11. SPORTS – 403 marks
  12. JAWAN – 485 marks
  13. TRANSFER – 454 marks
  14. DEFENCE – 355 marks

Science Stream:

  1. OPEN – 408 marks
  2. SC – 301 marks
  3. DT A – 322 marks
  4. NTB – 368 marks
  5. NTD – 335 marks
  6. OBC – 349 marks
  7. SBC – 356 marks
  8. SPORTS – 393 marks

Arts Stream:

  1. OPEN – 355 marks
  2. SC – 422 marks

joshi bedekar college

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