SYBMS Sem III And Sem IV Exam Paper Pattern


University of Mumbai has revised the Syllabus and paper pattern for the Second Year (SEM III) of the Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.) Degree Programme with effect from the academic year 2015-16. In Semester III and IV, SYBMS students have 4 compulsory papers and 2 specialization papers. The compulsory subjects under the new system for SYBMS Sem 3 are: Managerial Economics II, Principles of Marketing, Accounting for Managerial Decisions, Organization Behaviour & HRM and there are 3 elective groups i.e. Finance Group, Marketing Group, Human Resource Group out of which BMS students have to select any 1 elective group. In Finance Group, the electives are 1) Basis of Financial Services and 2) Corporate Finance. In Marketing Group, the electives are 1) Consumer Behaviour 2) Strategic Management. In Human Resource Group, the electives are 1) Recruitment and Selection 2) Motivation and Leadership. The compulsory subjects for SYBMS Sem 4 are: Business Planning & Entrepreneurial Management, Business Research Methods, Direct Taxes, Production & Total Quality Management. There are 3 elective groups out of which students have to select any 1 elective group: Finance Group, Marketing Group, Human Resource Group. In Finance Group, the electives are: 1) Advanced Costing and Auditing, 2) Equity & Debt market. In Marketing Group, the electives are: 1) Integrated Marketing Communication & Advertising, 2) Rural Marketing. In Human Resource Group, the electives are: 1) Training and Development in HRM, 2) Change Management.



Paper pattern for Bachelor of Management Studies (B.M.S.) under CBSGS System for S.Y. B.M.S

Max. Marks.: 75

Time: 2.5 Hours


  1. All questions are compulsory subject to internal choice.
  2. Figures to right indicate full marks.


Q1. Attempt any 2 questions (15mks)

a) (7.5 mks)

b) (7.5 mks)

c) (7.5 mks)

Q2. Attempt any 2 questions (15mks)

a) (7.5 mks)

b) (7.5 mks)

c) (7.5 mks)

Q3. Attempt any 2 questions (15mks)

a) (7.5 mks)

b) (7.5 mks)

c) (7.5 mks)

Q4. Attempt any 2 questions (15mks)

a) (7.5 mks)

b) (7.5 mks)

c) (7.5 mks)

Q5. Case Study (15mks)



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