TYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 5 Syllabus: Environmental Legislation


If you are looking for TYBMS Environmental Management & Economics Sem 5 Syllabus of Environmental Legislation then your search ends here.


  1. Constitutional Provisions for Environmental Protection: Specific Provisions for Environmental Protection in the Constitution of India, Provisions in the Directive Principles of State Policy.
  2. Environmental Acts, Rules and Notifications:

The following environmental acts / rules will be discussed in details; the rest of the acts, rules and notifications will be referred to:

a) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act and the corresponding rule

b) Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Cess Act and the corresponding rule

c) Air (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act and the corresponding rule

d) Environment (Protection) Act and Rule

e) Hazardous Waste (Management and Handling) Rules

f) Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals rules

g) Public Liability Insurance Act and Rule.

3. Important Judgments and Cases: Discussion on landmark cases: Sriram Chemicals Oleum Leak Case, Bhopal Gas Leak Case, Ganga Action Plan case etc. Green Benches.

Reference Books:

  1. R.K. Trivedy – Handbook of Environmental Laws, Guidelines, Compliance and Standards, Vol. 1 and 2 Environ – Media karad, India
  2. Mhaskar A.K. Environmental Laws


Teaching Hours and Assessment Pattern of Environmental Legislation:

  1. No. of sessions of 90 minutes – 30
  2. No. of sessions of 90 minutes per week – 2
  3. Continuous Assessment – 40 I A
  4. Semester end examination – 60 I A
  5. Total marks – 100
  6. Duration of theory paper – 3
  7. No. of credits – 2


Environmental Legislation

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