Night and Day


Night & Day
You are lying in middle of an ocean
And there’s nobody to listen
You shout, you yell, seek for help
And there’s alone sky who tries to complement your style
Suddenly music turns to noise
You cry, tears rollout and there’s nobody to help
Your thirst comes in, you bleed
And you try to save every sip
Friends, family are no more
All you are dragged to a different world
Faith and hopes starts Vanishing
All you are left in darkness and emptiness
The darkness becomes deeper
The Faith and Hopes disappear
Every door you try are closed
And all you fall in the darkness deeper deeper deeper
You see failure coming
Fear taking over, you cry, you curse your destiny
With nobody to help, moon and stars laugh’s at you high
You are on your knees ready to accept the defeat
And you see a ray of light, A ray of hope,
Suddenly the darkness starts vanishing
Fear starts escaping, Happiness starts concurring
The joy arrives as the sun starts to rise
New day comes in new hopes and new plans comes in
The spirit to fight for life comes in, you run harder to thrive
You start giving your best, an almighty trying to help
You see a ship sailing, you shout for help
And they come as your friend
You look at the sky and this time you laugh at him
And that mark’s New beginning of your life.


Ankit Merchant, Content Writer,

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Ankit Merchant
Hey guys my name in Ankit Pranay Merchant currently have just entered into T.Y.B.M.S of Thakur College. I am a fun loving guy who likes to hang out with friends. I love challenges and winning them. I like reading, writing and listening music.


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