10 Easy Management Concepts You Need To Know Today


management gyan

Bored of reading huge management books and want to quickly gain some management gyan? Here in this ‘Key Concepts’ section we update regularly 10 concepts written in the simplest language and if you have missed checking day 4 management concepts, you can check this link.

  1. Decision tree– showing alternate decisions in form of branches of a tree
  2. Delivery note – list of items being included in dispatch or delivery
  3. Demography – study of population
  4. De novo – from the beginning, totally new
  5. Depreciation – annual rate at which asset value is to be shown as expenditure
  6. Development – nurturing on job development
  7. Direct management – management not involving any human intermediary than the group or individual person himself
  8. Distribution channel – channel through which goods and services reach customers
  9. Division of labour – allocating work / area to individual workers or their group
  10. Dynamic – ever changing

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