FYBMS Second Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDU)



Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College offers courses in Management studies to build, expand and reinforce managerial skills needed to excel in global environment. BMS at DDU equips the management aspirants with necessary competence in key business functions, thus enabling them to embark on challenging and rewarding careers as well as Post graduate studies. The college constantly thrives to provide the students with the best job openings in the corporate sector and has continuous association with the Central Placement Cell of the Delhi University. Melange, the annual management fest of the department of business studies of DDU was a great success in 2012 and more than 50 reputed college students had participated in it.

Here we present FYBMS Second Counselling Closing Rank 2015 of Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College (DDU):

Overall rank of General category – 218

Category Rank:

  • OBC – 126
  • SC – 62
  • ST – 29
  • CW – admission closed, applicant list exhausted
  • PWD – 13

If there are any seats available for 3rd counseling, then it will be declared on www.du.ac.in on 14th July 2015 after 1pm.

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