Black Book Project Topic Ideas On Strategic Management


strategic management

Looking for a black book project topic? Do you have trouble coming up with a new project idea?

Check out this list of black book project topic ideas on strategic management:

  1. Strategies used to build successful internet based customer services
  2. Promotion strategies followed in insurance sector
  3. Organizational Study and marketing strategies of an organization
  4. Study of developing a communication strategy for an organization
  5. Study on strategies for optimizing the competency of middle level managers with reference to bank sector
  6. Analysis of the role of outdoor advertising and establishing strategies for managing space media
  7. ERP implementation strategies
  8. Study on strategies for promoting retailer’s brands
  9. Product strategies of private life insurance companies
  10. Marketing strategy adopted for selling different mobiles
  11. Marketing strategy for multi-head computer embroidery machines
  12. Strategies on Derivative Trading

During the project research work, students have to analyze, present the information in easily understood format so that it gets approved by your project guide / mentor / supervisor without any headaches to convince them. The chapter one of the research work is the foundation of the project and has to consist of research designs, findings, background / introductory phase and study of the problem statement.

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