TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS 75:25 April 2015 ATKT Exam Results Declared on 17 July 2015



Mumbai University declared the TYBMS Sem 5 CBSGS 75:25 April 2015 ATKT Exam Results on 17 July 2015 (Friday night).

The results are available on the old website of Mumbai University:


Students need to enter their seat number to obtain their ATKT results.

All the best and congratulations if you have cleared the ATKT exams.

If you have failed in your ATKT exams, do not lose hope as you can again appear for ATKT exams in October/November 2015.

If you have any queries related to TYBMS Sem 5 ATKT results, feel free to comment below.



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    1. It means that results are held in reserve due to non passing of lower exam or non receipt of previous semester marks or non receipt of transfer/eligibility certificate, etc. Have patience and wait for consolidated copy of the marksheet to come in your college. Don’t worry and best luck.

  1. is der recorrection process as i got good marks in 6th sem as oly in 5th sem” fm” as one subject it gonna affect alot on career ?
    as in atkt its shows unsuccessful again and i got kt in one subject oly so with the help of grace marks …. it can b done right/
    and when did the actual marks gonna come in college and what is process and grace marks can given when plz tell me m very tense

    1. Dear Sanjan, you do not get grace marks in ATKT exams. But if you want you can apply for revaluation of the KT results and reappear for the atkt exams again in October / November 2015.

  2. Can you please inform me whether the marksheet for Sem 5 cbsgs 75-25 april 2015 atkt is out? If not then when will it be available?
    I wanted to know my marks so that i can start with the further admission process..(Sem 6th Cleared)

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