Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Concept And Impact of Tourism



Tourism refers to social, cultural and economic which involves the movement of people to places outside their usual environment for personal or professional purposes. Tourism generates increase in economic activity due to demand for goods and services that needs to be provided. Tourism products include accommodation services, food and beverage service, travel agencies, transport services, sports and recreational services.

Concept and Impact of Tourism subject aims to provide an understanding of basic concepts, typology and evolution of tourism. It also provides insights into tourism in India and motivation to travel.

Here we present Delhi University TYBMS Sem 5 Syllabus – Concept And Impact of Tourism:

Unit 1 – 12 lectures

  1. Definition and concept of tourism
  2. Leisure and recreation
  3. Excursionist
  4. Business tourism
  5. VFR
  6. Mass tourism
  7. Sports tourism
  8. Rural tourism
  9. Tourism education
  10. Typology of tourism
  11. Difference between visitors, tourists and excursionist
  12. Tourism as an industry

Unit 2 – 10 lectures

  1. Tourism impacts – political, social, cultural, environmental and economic
  2. Tourism multiplier
  3. National and international concerns and problems

Unit 3 – 12 lectures

  1. Tourism in India
  2. Sergeant committee
  3. Formation of Ministry of Tourism
  4. Department of Tourism
  5. Tourism information offices in India, its functions
  6. Tourism offices overseas – its functions
  7. Criteria for opening overseas offices
  8. Role and functions of ITDC
  9. State Level Tourism Development Corporation

Unit 4 – 10 lectures

  1. Organizations in tourism
  2. Need for the organization
  3. Factors influencing type of organizations
  4. The national tourist organizations – role and function

Unit 5 – 12 lectures

  1. Motivation to travel
  2. Definition of the term motivation
  3. Travel motivators
  4. Factors influencing the growth of tourism
  5. Social tourism
  6. Role of state in promoting social tourism
  7. Evolution of demand
  8. Barriers to travel.


Textbooks and References:

  • Tourism – Past, present and Future – Burkart, A.J. & Heinemann Medlik
  • The tourism system – an introductory text – Mill, Robert
  • Basics of tourism: theory, operation – Kamra, Krishnan
  • Tourism and environment – Dr. S.K. Kabia
  • Tourism management, tourism – Wahab, S.E.
  • Eco-tourism – Dr. Jasbir Singh

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