Principles of Management Practice Question Paper No. 4


Principles of Management

Principles of Management refer to statements of fundamental truth based on logic that provides guidelines for making managerial decisions and actions. The 14 Principles of Management include: Division of Labor, Party of Authority and Responsibility, Principle of One Boss, Unity of Direction, Equity, Order, Discipline, Initiative, Fair Remuneration, Stability of Tenure, Scalar Chain, Sub-ordination of individual interest to general interest, Espirit De’ Corps, Centralization and Decentralization.

Here we present Principles of Management Practice Question Paper No. 4:

  1. Define control. Explain traditional and modern techniques of control.
  2. Explain Maslow’s Theory of motivation.
  3. Enumerate the various external sources of recruitment.
  4. Explain the following concepts – Levels of management, centralization, business plan, coordination, organizing.
  5. Explain Henry Mintzberg role of a manager.
  6. Discuss various types of plans used in an organization.
  7. Write short note on Management as an art
  8. Write short note on Contingency approach to management
  9. Write short note on Leadership styles
  10. Write short note on Line and Staff organization.

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