Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 4



Quality of work life means developing jobs and working conditions that are excellent for both employees and organization. During redesigning the jobs, there are 2 criteria: job enlargement and job enrichment. Job enlargement adds more variety of tasks and duties to the job so that it not as monotonous. Job Enrichment means adding more motivators. The benefits of job enrichment are: individual growth, better job satisfaction, self-actualization, better employee performance, less absenteeism, turnover, etc. Job enrichment methods are: skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback.

Here we present Foundation of Human Skills Practice Question Paper Set 4:

Q.1) Write short notes on any 3: 15 marks

1) Delphi technique

2) Path goal theory of leadership

3) Big five model

4) Primary and secondary dimensions

5) NGT

Q.2) Discuss the role of heredity and environment on personality. – 15 marks

Q.3) What do you mean by human skill? Explain in detail the biological differences. – 15 marks

Q.4) Explain the following: Levels of conflict, Sources of conflict. – 15 marks

Q.5) Explain in detail individual stressors and organizational stressors. – 15 marks

Q.6) What are the factors of attention? – 15 marks

Q.7) Explain the following theories in detail: classical conditioning, social learning. – 15 marks

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