Principles of Management Practice Question Paper Set 5



Principles of Management are general guidelines used to control the individuals and achieving organizational objectives through forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding and coordinating. The advantages of Principles of Management are : increase in management efficiency, to develop the science of management, to train managers, to co-ordinate material and human resources, to improve researches and to attain social objectives.

Here we present Principles of Management Practice Question Paper Set 5:

Q.1) Explain in brief any 3 – 15 marks

a) Problem loaded business situation

b) Managerial Decision-making

c) Industry experience for an exclusive-trainee

d) Principles of business practice

Q.2) Explain in brief any 3 – 15 marks

1) Case Analysis

2) Central problem of the case

3) Alternative (best) solution

4) Project study method

5) Need for professional management training

Q.3) What is real-life business situation? What are the advantages of practical-business life training? Share your experience if any. Did you enjoy such an experience. – 8 marks

Q.4) What is a project report? Explain in brief the importance of following in reporting project-research. – 7 marks

a) Introduction to project-study

b) Executive Summary

c) Data collection and analysis

Q.5) Explain the case analysis done by you as a group exercise and presented by role play method. Did you really enjoy this training method? Explain the benefits. – 8 marks

Q.6) Define and explain the types of project studies. Do you think that all principles of management are necessarily applied in project management? Discuss an effective method of project study presentation in brief. – 7 marks

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