BMS – Jack of all Trades and Master


BMS is an undergraduate program for management studies offered by many universities throughout the world. This course was introduced by the University of Mumbai in the year 1999-2000· With the growing demand for professionally qualified management executives, the course has been especially designed to create middle cadre management personnel. It is a three-year degree course with six semesters managed by a full-time and visiting faculty drawn from the Industrial and Service sectors. All the leading colleges of Mumbai will agree that BMS is the most popular course of their college. And the proof is overwhelming response of student at the time of admission. In a recent survey done by TOI it was found that the demand for this course is really high. BMS under Mumbai university’s self -financing course has maximum demand. The seats offered by all the colleges collectively is highest as compared to courses like BAF, BBI, BMM, BSc. IT, BFM, etc.

What does BMS offer?

Demonstrating employability skills is crucial for students to stand out from the crowd in today’s fiercely competitive job market. Graduates from BMS become equipped with a portfolio of soft and hard skills which employers in all sectors look for. These include general skills such as being well organized, having effective communication skills, business acumen, problem solving abilities, ease in using quantitative methods, Glocal (global + local) thinking, etc.


Teaching through ICT, presentations, projects, assignments, internships, industrial visits, role play, debates, quiz, group discussions, case studies, newspaper readings, lectures by experts from academia & industry, movie & book reviews, poster & collage making etc. are some of the unique methods used by faculty teaching BMS. This makes the class lively, interactive and interesting. There is continuous evaluation through internal tests, viva and semester end exams. There is active learning and students enjoy the classroom experience.

With Internships being a compulsory element of BMS course, it has made students experience the corporate world and apply the class room concepts. There is a positive change in students. They become more confident, responsible and focused. There is clarity in their career path.

Earlier BMS course was accused of being “Jack of all trades” but with restructured syllabus implemented since academic year 2015-16 this course makes the students Jack of all trades and master too. The specialization offered in the form of Marketing, Human Resource or Finance from the second year itself makes it more rigorous and industry relevant. There are very high chances of students landing better job opportunities as BMS students will possess indepth knowledge in their chosen field of specialization.

So who’s ready to take up this academic journey?

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Jinal Shah

An enthusiastic and goal-driven teacher. A versatile individual with the talent to create hands-on lessons with practical knowledge that captures a student’s imagination and breeds success. Effectively addresses every student’s learning style and abilities. Exceptional interpersonal and communication skills to foster meaningful relationships with students, staff, and parents.


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