Wealth Management Question Bank TYBMS 5th Sem ( Finance)



Approximate weight age of Theory & Practical

Marks 60 15 75
Units to be studied All Unit 1 ,Unit 2 & Unit 3



Unit 1 Cash Flow Analysis
Unit 2 Calculation of Human Life Value ,Belth Method / CPT
Unit 3


Calculation of Returns (CAGR ,Post-tax Returns etc.), Total Assets, Net Worth Calculations, Financial Ratios ,LTCG, STCG, Carry Forward & Set-off, Deductions – Exemptions ( Basic Calculations & Problems)



Unit 1

  1. What is Wealth Management? Discuss in detail process of Wealth Management.
  2. Elaborate the Code of Ethics for Wealth Manager.
  3. Discuss the scope of Wealth Management. What are the needs and Expectation of Clients for Wealth Manager?
  4. What is Financial Literacy? What are the initiatives taken by different authorities for Financial Literacy?
  5. What is Financial Goals? , Discuss the process for Building Financial Plans.
  6. What is Yield? What are the different types of Yield Curves?
  7. Discuss the key economic indicators in detail.


Unit 2

  1. What is Insurance Planning? What are the Basic Principles of Insurance?
  2. What are the Functions and Characteristics of Insurance?
  3. Discuss the Rights and Responsibilities of Insurer and Insured
  4. What are different Types of life & General Insurance Policies?
  5. What is Health Insurance? State the Importance and types of Health Insurance.
  6. What is Risk? What are the different types of Investment Risks?
  7. Discuss in detail Asset Allocation Strategies (Strategic, Tactical, Life-Cycle based).
  8. What are Active & Passive Investment Strategies?


Unit 3

What is Estate Planning? State the meaning of Will. What are the different Types of Will?

Unit 4

  1. What is Retirement Planning? State the Purpose & Need of Retirement Planning.
  2. What is Salary? What are the different components of Salary?
  3. What are the objectives of Retirement Planning?
  4. What is Wealth Creation? Explain Principles & Factors affecting Wealth Creation.
  5. Elaborate Pre & Post-Retirement Strategies.
  6. What is Pension Scheme? What are the different types of Pension Schemes in India?
  7. Write a Short note on National Pension Scheme.
  8. What is Annuity? What are different types of Annuities?


In case of Further Clarification Contact – Prof. Savita Bodke 9833081207





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Prof. Savita Bodke
Educational Qualification - MMS ( Finance ) , M.Com ( Accountancy ) , DFM, DBM, DTM, DBF, G.D.C & A, CPCM , NCFM, NISM. Currently working as Assistant Professor Finance with Management Institute & working as Visiting Faculty for BMS Finance in Sydenham College, Lala Lajpat Rai College, Chetna College, SIES College, Siddharth College, Guru Nanak College, Bunts College. Having enriched Corporate Experience related to Capital Market. I am co-author for the Books - Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management, Advanced Costing & Auditing, International Business, Equity & Debt Market. Contact No -9833081207


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