International Marketing
Unit 1
- What are the features of international marketing
- Explain the process of international marketing
- Why is there a need for international marketing
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of international marketing
- Domestic marketing vs international marketing
- What are the methods of entering a new market
- What are the various types of tariff and non tariff barriers
- What are different types of trading blocks
- Explain the various orientations of international marketing
Unit 2
- Explain the various member institutions in the international economic environment
- How can cultural environment affect the international marketing environment
- Explain the Hofstede 6 dimension model
- What is the need to conduct an international market research
- Explain the process of international market research
- How can various legal and political factors pose a challenge for an international marketer
Unit 3
- Explain the various product decisions that one needs to take into account before going international
- Product standardization vs product adaptation
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of having a global brand
- What factors would you consider for pricing your products before entering international market
- What are different methods of pricing in international markets
- Explain the various types of direct and indirect channels of distribution in international markets
- What are the factors influencing the selection of international distributors
- What are the steps to plan international promotion campaigns
- What are the various tools for international promotion
Unit 4
- What are the different types of control that an organisation can adopt while implementing strategies
- What are the different types of international strategies
- What is the need for global service marketing
- What are the drivers for global service marketing
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of global service marketing
- What is service culture and what are the factors affecting the same
Text books recommended
- Vipul Publications
- Sheth Publications
For any further clarifications, please contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873