Unit 1
- What are the factors influencing dividend decision of any company
- What are the different types of dividend decision that the company can follow
- Numericals on :- MM model, Gordon model, Walter model
- What are the features of XBLR
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of XBLR
- Who are the users of XBLR
Please note:- Q1 would be based on Unit 1. 2 sums (dividend decision) and 1 theory(XBLR), attempt any 2 out of 3
Unit 2
- What are the various techniques of capital budgeting
- What are the factors influencing the capital budgeting decisions
- What is decision tree
- Case study:- Sensitivity analysis
- Sums on RADR, Certainty equivalent, probability techniques, SD and coefficient of variation, simple sums on capital rationing
- What are the merits and demerits on capital rationing
Please note:- Q2 would be based on Unit 2. 2 sums(capital budgeting and capital rationing) and 1 theory, attempt any 2 out of 3
Unit 3
- Explain the profit maximization and wealth maximization principle
- Simple to moderate sums on EVA, MVA, Nopat calculation,
- What are the common Corporate governance practice in india
- What are the different type of mergers and the reasons why companies merge
- Sums on mergers by MPS, EPS approach, Yield approach, Fair value, Terminal and enterprise value and NAV approach
Please note:- Q3 would be based on Unit 3. 2 sums(1 sum on EVA/MVA and 1 sum on merger and acquisition and 1 theory, attempt any 2 out of 3
Unit 4
- What are NPA and how are they classified
- Elaborate on provisioning norms for NPA
- How are advances classified
- Usage of Basel 3 in the Indian Banking system
- Simple examples of computation on rebate on bills (journals and ledgers), treatment of interest on advances and NPA provisioning and classification.
- What are the types of working capital and what are the factors affecting working capital requirement
- What are the various approaches to manage working capital
- Simple sums on computation of working capital and MPBF application
Please note:- Q4 would be based on Unit 4. 2 sums (NPA provision and working capital) and 1 theory, attempt any 2 out of 3
Text books recommended
- Vipul- Arvind Dhond
- Sheth Publications
For any further clarifications or exam guidance, feel free to contact Prof Vipin Saboo on 9820779873 (call or whatsapp)