Interview with Mr.Dilip Prasad, Founder, and


An Interview with Mr. Dilip Prasad, Founder, and             

by Aeman Waghoo, Content Writer,

Every person has different strength and weaknesses. In my opinion, Perseverance-Persistence-Self Belief-Undying spirit to achieve, these are the four foundation blocks that keep the spirit and passion of entrepreneurship alive.


  • Tell us something about yourself.

I received the B.Tech degree in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad, India in 2003. I shall be finishing Ph.D. from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore very soon. I have 5 years of IT experience with IBM, Infosys, Mediatek and Philips. I was selected as a fellow for Kauffman Global Scholarship in 2011, in which I was trained in entrepreneurship at Harvard University, MIT, Stanford University and the Kauffman Foundation by leading business school professors and eminent entrepreneurs and I am the founder of and


  • Tell us something about your business. How were you inspired to take up this entrepreneurship, its vision & current status?

Techaloo is a not-for-profit initiative to foster entrepreneurship at colleges in Asia. During my Kauffman fellowship period in USA, 2011, I realized that Asia has lots of talent but we are not equipped with the knowledge and exposure of various aspects of entrepreneurship. In USA, I found that even a 12 year old kid knows how to write a business plan and has basic knowledge about entrepreneurship. I noted that developed country’s education system and society have focus on promoting entrepreneurship. On the other hand in Asia, we are not aware about it even after graduation and our society does not promote entrepreneurship.

Techaloo was started to inspire students and college graduates to think about entrepreneurship from the success stories of the entrepreneurial journey of other college graduates. It also tries to educate students and college graduates about various aspects of entrepreneurship and resources required for budding entrepreneurs to fail faster to succeed sooner.


  • What is your philosophy towards work?

Techaloo’s philosophy is “Karmanyamevadhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachana”  – perfrom our duty towards fostering entrepreneurship and never think about what benefit is there for Techaloo out of it.


  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an entrepreneur should possess.

Every person has different strength and weaknesses. In my opinion, Perseverance-Persistence-Self Belief-Undying spirit to achieve, these are the four foundation blocks that keep the spirit and passion of entrepreneurship alive.


  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Asian cultural mindset does not accept failure, while failure is a part of entrepreneurial journey. Most successful entrepreneurs have failed multiple times before succeeding once. They have failed again after successful exit from one startup in their next venture. The fear to fail is the major hindrance among students to think about taking entrepreneurship as their career.


  • Can Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

Statistics speaks that B-school graduates are not entrepreneurial. In fact, many aspiring entrepreneurs join B- Schools to get trained for better entrepreneurial journey. But most of them join multinational companies for high paying and less entrepreneurial jobs after getting the degree. According to me, most of the Asian B-Schools do not promote entrepreneurial career among their students. They rather like their students to join high paying job and consider the high pay of their students as a reputation score for themselves.

B-schools do teach various aspects of entrepreneurship directly/indirectly. The entrepreneurial training does help in reducing failure rate among entrepreneurs.


  • “Is the Name of the Institute from where a student pursues his/her Graduation/Post Graduation or other courses important while setting up your business?



  • “Earning more & more is the motive behind any business.” Is it justifiable?

Value creation is the motive behind any business and value creation can be in respect of money. It can also be in respect of other things. For example, the aim of social enterprises is not to earn more money. Rather their aim is to grow the social value of their enterprise.


  • What message would you like to give to the budding entrepreneurs?

Start your venture as soon as possible. Do not invest too much time and energy on making a perfect product, rather launch a minimal viable product and then develop on top of it as time proceeds.

Bootstrap!!! Bootstrap!!! Bootstrap!!! (97% startups bootstrap so Bootstrapping is a NORM while VC/Angel money is an exception)


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Aeman Waghoo


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