Performance measures for customer service:
There are four traditional dimensions of customers  Service from a logistics perspective. They are:
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Time
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Dependability
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Convenience
–Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Communication
There are essential considerations in developing a sound and effective customer service program. They also provide basis for setting standards of performance of customer service in the logistics area.
Now, however, the standards have been changed as per the needs of the customer. They have become customer oriented as compared the previous (traditional) seller oriented standards. The NEW BASIS of customer service performance measures are:
- Order received on time
- Order received complete
- Order received damage free
- Orders filled accurately
- Orders build accurately
There was a problem with traditional form of customer service performance measures because they looked after the performance of only pre-shipment. So any problems that took place during the delivery of the goods that could cause problems and dissatisfaction to the customer were not catered to and thus the seller using the traditional methods of measurement would not have any basis upon which to evaluate the magnitude and extent of the problem.
The Current method (New Method) focusing on he measurement at the delivery level not only provides a data base to make an evaluation but also more importantly provide early warnings of problems as they are developing.
E.g.: If the standard delivery for on time delivery is 98% and it slips during a given month to 95% an investigation may show that a carrier is not following instructions or even that the buyer is at fault by not being ready to accept the shipments.