Interview with Dr. Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, Founder, Vitality Living College


Interview with Dr. Rangana Rupavi Choudhuri, Founder,

Vitality Living College

by Saba Vakani, Correspondent,

  • Tell us something about yourself?

I was born in Singapore and then lived in Hong Kong, India, Luxembourg, UK, Botswana, Zimbabwe and USA moving cities every 2 years. The experience taught me to adapt to new situations quickly and to communicate with different races and cultures effortlessly. After completing a PhD in Cancer Research from Oxford University, I went onto work for a Global health care company gaining experience in Marketing, Sales & R&D and became the only woman and youngest member of the board within 10 years of one of the divisions. This led me to run a $1bn business for a company based in Europe. While I had all the material benefits I realized I wanted something even more fulfilling that could make a tangible difference to people’s lives. That is what led me to open a personal development and wellness college to empower people just like you to create the life they want.

  • Tell us something about Vitality Living College?

Vitality Living College ( is the only one in the world committed to personal development and well-being. We offer trainings in stress relief, effective communication and influencing. We train individuals who want to learn the skills for themselves or those who want to work with others as a business or therapeutic coach or trainer.

  • How were you inspired to start this venture? Can you tell about its vision & current status?

In 2002 while in full time employment, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness as a result of work related stress. This led me on my personal development journey where I was trained with many of the great masters in the personal development, health and wellness field. As I learnt more and applied the tools to myself I started to heal and also in my work place, I felt more fulfilled and motivated.

  • Can you tell about the courses offered and workshops conducted by your College?

Our courses include training in therapeutic and coaching skills like, emotional freedom techniques (EFT), neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), Journey work, hypnosis, time line therapy, life coaching and executive coaching. These skills can be learnt as part of a personal development program or to get professionally qualified.

Mission – Helping you to help yourself and others to feel happy, healthy and confident

Products and services – Peak performance and coaching – Neuro-linguistic programming training, hypnosis and timeline therapy to create the life you want increasing communication and influencing skills in order to powerfully relate to yourself and others Healing & Spiritual development – Journey work know to heal illness, depression, anxiety as well as create spiritual enlightenment Professional qualifications – Globally recognized practitioner and coaching certification for those who wish to work one to one or become a trainer Health & Wellness – Emotional Freedom Techniques is clinically proven to lower stress, anxiety, phobias, cravings as well as negativity creating health, vitality and confidence

  • What are the personality traits one should possess to succeed in life?

‘Can do’ attitude creating win-win outcomes Drive to continually grow and develop Investment in one’s personal development and health

  • Can you share some advice for building Self-Confidence?

Confidence is about having self-belief and can be easily learnt. It is a state of mind. Once learnt, it opens up so many new possibilities. Increased confidence can enable all of us to do what we have always wanted to do but have been too scared to do. Once fear is replaced with confidence it becomes easy to:

Speak in public

Ask for a promotion or raise

Recover from an illness or past traumas

Find your ideal partner

Make any business successful

Start doing what you really want


Lack of confidence includes the small voice in our heads that says “No, I cannot”. Do you know the one I mean? So what are some of the ways to feeling and being more confident? Here are our tried and tested 10 keys on how to feel and be more confident:

1. Celebrate the victories – big and small

2. Write down your 100 amazing qualities and read them

3. Learn from people who are more confident

4. Adopt the posture, breathing and focus of confidence

5. Start the day with a positive affirmation

6. Stop worrying about what others think and start being you

7. Be kind to yourself and others

8. Let go and learn from the past hurts and disappointments

9. Learn from your past successes and apply them to the future

10. Be grateful for what you have



  • HOW can one manage stress in this competitive world?

Have a daily health routine to work through stress, anxiety and tension, for example yoga, meditation or emotional freedom techniques. Become more self aware of what triggers you and find means to shift your state.   DOWNLOAD FREE BOOKLET ON STRES SRELIEF TECHNIQUE EFT.

  •  What is your philosophy towards work?

Do what you love and love what you do.

  • “Management is core to every individual, organization & society.” Give your views on it.

I feel Leadership is even more important than Management. Management is the foundation on which Leadership is based. Managers implement change and Leaders create change.

  • Name 3 qualities of prime importance that an Entrepreneur should possess.

Leadership Ability to take risks Ability to recruit good teams and develop them Implement a personal development and learning culture

  • According to you, what are the challenges for Entrepreneurship today?

Continually innovate and find creative ways of forging partnerships.

  • Can Management and Entrepreneurship be taught in B-Schools/Management Institutes/Colleges?

Yes and No. The theory can be taught and yet the real learning takes place when you get first hand experience. Encouraging students to start up businesses in College is a great way to encourage Entrepreneurship.

  • What message would you like to give to the students aspiring to work at management level?

Develop inner confidence and resilience Seize every opportunity to learn Be open to giving and receiving feedback

  • What qualities you see for apart from the required academic qualification while recruiting a person?

Real life experience Hand on work experience

  • Your feedback for

It is a great website that provides an optimum environment for students to learn, grow and develop and create the managers of today and tomorrow.

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Vakani Saba

Aspire to become a Visionary and Motivational entrepreneur like "Steve Jobs and Anita Roddick" which will help to broaden my horizon and to achieve success in life. My strong leadership, convincing, educational and organizational skills and ability to work well with people would help me to grow the company. "An entrepreneur tends to bite off a little more than he can chew hoping he'll quickly learn how to chew it."


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