Only education can give women self-respect, confidence and social status


Arguments for:

1) Most of the problems that the country is facing today are due to the poor record of women’s education.

2) An educated women can fight for her rights and resist exploitation fearlessly.

3) Woman’s education is a pre-condition for her meaningful role in society and for her legitimate share in services which are male-dominated.

Arguments against:

1) Women’s education has created more disharmony in the homes because of ego-conflicts among the family members.

2) Women with a University-education have lost the appreciation of values which our ancients found to be the sole treasure of women.

3) Education, in turn, makes women seek jobs, become ‘earning machines’ and psychologists think that the conditions for working women do not make for a happy and guilt-free family life.


P.S. The above comments are our perceptions and yours need not be exactly the same. What we seek to stimulate is a motivation on your part to think on these issues and develop your own perceptions and comment below.

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