Top 5 Reasons to learn Foreign Languages


1) Languages are a means of communication. Without a mastery over a language, it is impossible to communicate.

2) In a foreign country, the concerned language will enable you to develop rapport with the local people and save you from being a fish out of water.

3) If you wish to travel all over the world for business promotion, you must know atleast those languages of the countries you visit.

4) Conversations and exchange of views and information will become possible and the business interests won’t suffer.

5) If you wish to study abroad in foreign universities in the field of research and development, knowledge of a foreign language of that country acts as an added advantage.

There are other lovers of languages who would learn a foreign language just for the love of it. Every language has its own beauty and it requires a proper approach and study to master it. Languages, according to Tagore, are jealous. They don’t give themselves upto those who do not approach them constantly and persistently.

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