20 Recommended Books in Management Accountancy





Financial Planning & Policy

Harper & Row

Walker & Baughn

Managerial Finance

The Dryden Press

J. Fred Weston & Eugene F. Brighar

Financial Management – An Analytical Approach

Chaitanya Publishing House

S.C. Kuchhal

Financial Planning & Control

S. Chand & Co. P. Ltd.

H. Ramachandran

Budgeting, Profit Planning and Control

Prentice Hall

Glen A. Welsch

The Capital Budgeting and Decision

McMillan & Co.

Bierman & Smith

The Finance and Analysis of Capital Project

Longman Group Ltd.

Merrett & Sykes

Capital budgeting and Company Finance

Longman Group Ltd.

Merrett & Sykes

Business and Management in India

Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

A. Dasgupta

Efficiency Criteria for Nationalised Industries

George Allen & Unwin Ltd.

Alece Nove

Govt. in Business

Asia Publishing House

S.S. Khera

Financial Statement and Analysis

Prentice Hall of India

John N. Myer

Analysis of Financial Statements

Asia Publishing House

S.B. Choudhury

Accounting for Management

Sindhu Publication Pvt. Ltd.

Guruprasad Murthy

Cost Accounting – A Managerial  Approach

McGraw Hill

Backer & Jacobson

Management Accounting Text and Cases


R.N. Anthony

Management Accounting

Meenakshi Prakasan

Bahadur Murao

Introduction to Financial Management

Tata McGraw Hill & Charles W. Haley

Lawrence D. Schall

Management Accounting for Profit Control

Tata McGraw Hill

Wayner Keller & William L. Fernard

Practical Financial Statement Analysis

Tata-McGraw Hill

Roy A. Foulke

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