Things to know about Doctoral Programs


If you are the sort of the person who wants prestige, self-satisfaction and joy of learning by undertaking a course of study, then go ahead with Doctoral Programs.

Doctoral Programs include Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), Doctor of Professional Studies (DPS) etc.

1) A doctoral degree usually takes twice as long to earn a master’s and sometimes the MBA is not the logical path to follow toward the doctorate.

2) You need to be proficient in statistics, pass comprehensive tests and spend a longer period of time in College.

3) You probably will have to take comprehensive oral and written examinations in 3 or more fields of business to demonstrate that you have an overall grasp of these areas.

4) You must write a research dissertation, which can easily run 200 to 500 pages and take 1 or 2 years to write. Even after you have finished writing the dissertation, you have to defend it before a faculty committee, and this can be an awesome hurdle for you 😉

5) Many B-Schools/Colleges discourage students from trying to earn a doctorate unless they feel that he or she has the necessary scholastic abilities and plans to go into the academic world or some research field.

6) Companies often feel that doctoral applicants are overqualified or simply too academic oriented.

7) Job Opportunities – Investment banking firms, economic and business research fields, Professors in B-Schools/MBA Colleges/Principals/Co-ordinators/Head of Department in Graduate Colleges.

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