Interview with Lara Mascarenhas, TYBMS Topper, K.P.B. Hinduja College


  • Were you expecting to top in the exams? To whom would you credit this success to?

It was my dream to top in the exams right from the very first day of joining B.M.S. and I have worked really very hard to make my dream come true. I completely focused on my goal and worked towards making it a reality. I believe that there is no shortcut to success. Only determination, hard work and consistency helped me in achieving success. I thank God for this achievement. I also thank my parents who believed in my capability to top, and encouraged me whenever I faltered. They always said, “Aim for the sky, even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” I am also grateful to all my teachers and friends for always being there for me.


  • Did you start preparing right from the first day of your TYBMS?

Yes I did. Initially I made it a point to read at least one page every day, and practice sums for atleast four days a week. I believe in quality and not quantity. So even if I studied for one hour a day, I focused completely on my studies during that time. I was also involved in many extra-curricular activities. I was the Vice-chairperson of the inter-collegiate festival, ‘Nexus 2011’ organized by the B.M.S. department of my College. I allotted equal time to these activities and to my studies. As the exams drew near I started rigorous preparations. I practiced sums on a daily basis. I also made sure that I read every theory chapter thoroughly.


  • How did you study for Sem 5 and Sem 6?

I attended all lectures in college. I concentrated more on those subjects in which I felt I need to put in extra efforts. I also referred to different authors to understand certain difficult concepts, by reading books from the library.


  • How did you study for SSF, International finance, Operations Research, Financial Management?

I am a Marketing student. I put in more efforts in International finance, Operations Research, Financial Management since these are scoring subjects, and to top in the exams I needed to score well in these subjects. Only Practice makes a man perfect. I devoted minimum two hours daily to solve sums.


  • Which are the easy subjects in Sem 5 and Sem 6? Any special way of writing the answers?


For me there is no such thing as an easy subject or a hard subject. No subject is easy till one studies it, and no subject is so hard that it cannot be studied. It is only matter of our outlook towards the subject that makes it easy or difficult. Practical subjects seem to be hard in the beginning, but as one solves a variety of sums one realizes that they are simple and interesting. Yes, I wrote all my answers in a presentable manner in paragraphs or points. I also drew diagrams wherever necessary. I would suggest that if you find time; underline the headings and subtitles neatly.


  • How do you crack Case Studies in Theory and Practical Subjects?

Case studies are a very crucial part of the syllabus. The best part of case studies is that one has to apply his/her own understanding of the subject and answer the questions accordingly.  I also read a lot of editorial pages, business magazines and journals to broaden my outlook and to increase my understanding.  I didn’t have a specific timetable to study but I definitely set targets on a daily basis.  And yes, I practiced sums daily.


  • What message would you like to give to the coming batches of BMS students?

I know that you are bright students to have taken up B.M.S as your graduation degree. Learn to balance your academic as well as your extra-curricular life, since as future managers this is an important aspect.


  • What are your future plans?

I want to pursue an MBA degree from a reputed college or university. My goal is to become the CEO of a company. is an excellent platform which connects thousands of B.M.S. students. Also it keeps us updated with the various happenings in different B.M.S. colleges in and around Mumbai and gives us information about various job openings and internships. Please keep up the Good work.

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  1. hellloo………first of all i would like to congratulate you for your success
    actually i have some queries about BMS and as you are the topper in BMS than you could help me out..:)………….i just want to ask that after doing BMS what kind of job we will get….i means what type of work we will have to do after BMS…because even i am planning to do BMS…….and last question..does your college give you any placement offer????

  2. Thank you. After completing B.M.S. an individual can pursue a career in the following fields: Human Resource,Marketing,Finance,Retail. Yes,my college organizes Campus recruitment programmes.

    Good luck !

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