Explain the Role of Manager


Role of Manager :

1.      Planner and Forecaster : Manager acts as an in-charge for planning and forecasting. he chalks out in advance what is to be done. How to do if, when to do it and who will do it.

2.      Organiser : Manager performs an important role in organizer. He arranges different activities, resources, functions in systematic order. This brings effectives in the work.

3.      Leader : He is in-charge for different activities of his subordinates. As a leader, manager should understand the subordinates and should support them. He should set a good pattern of behaviour as a leader.

4.      Connecting Link : Manager performs a great role of linking the two ends. He bridges the gap between internal public and external world. this can be achieved by attending meeting, workshops, conferences.

5.      Communication : A successful manager is an expert communicator who passes the necessary information related to the business. he use different communication models to inform, the persuade the internal as well as external public.

6.      Innovator : This role of a manager demands creativity and novelty in ideas, business activities or trade practices. Manager must be able to integrate existing and new thoughts to brings best results.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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