Which leadership style to follow?


Which leadership style to follow?

Normally, in business organisations, leaders follow three main styles:

—       Autocratic Leadership Style

—       Consultative Leadership Style, and

—       Participative Leadership Style

The situational leadership style is a combination of the above three styles. In other words, a leader may follow autocratic leadership style at times, consultative style at times, and participative style at times, depending upon the situation.


When autocratic style is suitable ?

Autocratic Style is suitable when :

—       Quick decisions are to be made and the leader does not have enough time to consult his subordinates.

—       Subordinates are inexperienced and the leaders do not find it worthwhile to consult the subordinates.

—       Adequate powers are given to the leader by the organisation.


When consultative style is suitable ?

This type of style is suitable when :

—       The suggestions and comments of the subordinates are vital to making a decision.

—       The subordinates are experienced and matured and can provide valuable suggestions.

—       There is no urgency of the decision, which allows the leader to consult subordinates.


When participative style is suitable ?

This style is suitable when :

—       Group decision making is required.

—       There are experienced and matured subordinates.

—       There is an immediate possibility of opposition from a group of subordinates.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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