Write a note on Exit Interview


A Note on Exit Interview :

          What is Exit Interview?

It is an interview conducted by an organisation with those employees who have put in their resignation papers.


Who Conducts it?

It is normally conducted by the HRD manager. It may be conducted by the immediate superior of the candidate who have resigned the job; o higher authorities, as the case may be.


When it is conducted?

It is conducted immediately on receiving resignation notice by the employee. It may be conducted on the last day of employment of the employee.


Why it is conducted?

It is conducted for the following reasons :

a)      To find out the reasons as to why the candidate is resigning from the job.

b)      To convince the employee to withdraw the resignation papers by providing necessary incentives or other measures, if so possible.

c)      To frame proper, personnel policies in respect of recruitment and selection, promotion, transfers, compensation packages, etc.

d)      To create a favourable work environment within the organisation so as to generate employees’ loyalty towards the organisation.

e)      To reduce labour turnover, especially that of efficient work-force.

f)       To create a good image of the company in the minds of those who are leaving the organisation, as it shows that the organisation is open to shortcomings or correction.

What is it’s limitation?

In India, only a few professional organisations give importance to exit interview. Secondly, the employee may not like to express frank and fair vies or opinion about his leaving his organisation. Thirdly, there must be a positive attitude of the superiors towards exit interview and they should accept criticism, if any, of the company’s policies in right spirit, but this may not be the case.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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