Write a note on Group Discussion


Group Discussion :

Now-a-days, group discussion plays an important role in the selection of candidates, especially at managerial level. It has become an important tool in the selection process. In group discussion, the participants may be divided into two groups. A topic is presented to them. For example: ‘Leaders are born and not made’. One group may talk in favour of it and another group may talk against it. At times the participants may not be divided into two groups, i.e. there will be only one group. The participants will present their viewpoints on the topic. Accordingly, the selectors may judge the candidates,

The following attributes of candidates could be evaluated from the group discussion.

1.      Initiative : The ability to take action without being told. The candidate who initiates the discussion shows this attribute.

2.      Content : The ability to generate sound ideas. What is important is the quality of talk and not quantity of speech.

3.      Persuasiveness : The ability to influence others by sound reasoning, i.e. to sell one’s point of view to others.

4.      Conflict handling ability : The candidate may also sort out or manage differences or disputed viewports between two or more members of the group to the satisfaction of all.

5.      Leadership : The candidate who tasks the lead to start the discussion. He may also guide and encourage others to participate in the discussion.

6.      Communication : The ability to express one’s thoughts or ideas clearly and concisely.

7.      Group Acceptance : Some participants may dominate to grab the limelight. Such attitude is not desirable. Others must be given a chance to present their viewports.

8.      Time Management : The participant who takes a lead to summarise the discussion just before the completion of allotted time for discussion.


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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS

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