Human Resource Management Important Question Bank 2012



1.       Recruitment

2.       Selection

3.       Hrm

4.       Personnel management

5.       Human resource planning

6.       Training

7.       Performance appraisal

8.       Career planning

9.       Personnel manual

10.     Assessment centre

11.     Downsizing

12.     Employee stock ownership plans (esops)

13.     Job analysis

14.     Job description

15.     Job specification

16.     Induction

17.     Fringe benefits

18.     Wages & salaries

19.     Profit sharing

20.     Empowered teams

21.     Success of planning

22.     Voluntary retirement scheme (vrs)

23.     Human resources information system (hris)

24.     Quality circles

25.     Promotion

26.     Incentives

27.     Application blank

28.     Manpower inventory analysis

29.     Interview

30.     Placement

31.     3600 appraisal

32.     Job transfer

33.     Human resource development

34.     Pink slip



1.   Participative management

2.   Industrial relations

3.   Trade union

4.   Job rotation

5.   Job evaluation

6.   Job enlargement

7.   Job design



Q.1. Define “Human resource management” What is the importance of H.R.M in present Global scenario?

Q.2. Define HRM. What are the modern day challenges faced by today’s HR manger?

Q.3. Define Human resource planning and explain the process of HRP.

Q.4.  You are on HR manager of kingfisher. You are supposed to design a training programme for ground staff. What principles and on the job training methods you would use in designing the programme.

Q.5. “Training like any other HR function, should be evaluated to determine its effectiveness.” Explain.

Q.6.   Explain the benefits of training and development to employees.

Q.7.   Explain in full 360 degree appraisal.

Q.8. “Performance appraisal is not merely for appraisal but is for improvement of employee performance.” Explain the statement.

Q.9.  You, as HR manager of the company, has been asked to draw a promising incentive plan for the employees in the production department. State the features that you will like to incorporate in such incentive plan.

Q.10. Define career planning and explain the different stages of career planning.

Q.11. Explain the different stages involved in career planning and development.

Q.12. “Career planning and development is a motivational tool for employees”. Elaborate with suitable examples.

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MT UVA- University, Vocational and Affiliated Education for BMS


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