Discuss TYBMS Sem 5 Exams 2012

TYBMS SEM 5  Board exams 2012 are starting tomorrow.  Let this thread be your punching bag throughout the process.Do you think the exams were real easy? Real difficult? They completely $uckeD? Rant it out .. Remove your frustration  All of it here..So lets hear it, the Good – Bad – UGLY of TYBMS SEM 5, 2012 

Yesterday (29th October 2012) 

How was your HRM paper?

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Garima Soni D nly ques raised in mu mind was >>>>>>> IF this was d standard of SSM ppr what will d standard of FM ppr ?? :\ :'(:'(

How was FM paper?

Oves Kapadia dnt wrry guys MU is chngng dier pttrn frm nxt yr dis yr dey will pass evryone nxt year dey r intrdcng grade system..

How was ethics?

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