Human Resource Management Prelims Question 2012



00000021 / 3434 / 0001 / BMS / Human Resource Management / V Semester / Marks 60 M / 2.00 Hrs. Seat________




  1. Attempt both the sections on same answer sheet
  2. All the questions are compulsory in Section I and attempt any three questions from Section II
  3. Support your answers with examples


SECTION – I – MARKS – 30 (Compulsory)

Q1. Concepts                                                                                                                                                 15

  1. Components of Salary
  2. Promotions
  3. Selection
  4. Sensitivity Training
  5. Collective Bargaining


Q2. Mr. Satish Sukhramani, a resident of Ulhasnagar (Mumbai) is B.Com plus CA, is in search of suitable employment opportunity in or near Mumbai. On returning home late in the evening (on 14th April, 2011) he got a telegram from reputed software company located at Pune. He was called for written test and interviews at company’s office located near Deccan Gymkhana, Pune, on the next day i.e. 15th April, 2011 at 11.00 am positively. Naturally, he has to reach Pune on the next day as it was a rare opportunity for getting an excellent job in a reputed global software company.

Mr. Sukhramani studied the matter patiently and took firm decisions on all aspects of his Pune visit. He was determined to attend interview at the scheduled time and was confident of getting that Promising Job.


Question:                                                                                                                                           15

  1. What is the basic issue in this case?
  2. List out the modes of transport available to Mr. Sukhramani and the one which he should select.
  3. What preparations he should make before moving from (Ulhasnagar) Mumbai?


SECTION – II – MARKS – 30 (Any three)

Q3. What do you mean by placement? Explain the Dangers of Faulty Placement                                   10

Q4. What is Trade Union? Explain its features.                                                                              10

Q5. Define HRM. Explain the functions & the future scope of HRM                                            10

Q6.Short Notes (Any Two)                                                                                                               10

a)      Performance Appraisal

b)      Define HRP,  Explain the Limitations of HRP

c)      Advantages of Training & Development


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