Who is an Entrepreneur?


The ultimate measure of a man

Is not where he stands

In moments of comfort and convenience

But where he stands

At times of challenge and controversy.

– Martin Luther King.


An entrepreneur is a person with a dream, originality and daring, who acts as the boss, who decides as to how the commercial organization shall run, who co-ordinates all activities or other factors of production, who anticipates the future trend of demand and prices of products.

An entrepreneur is one of the important segments of economic growth. Basically he is a person responsible for setting up a business or an enterprise. Infact, he is one who has the initiative, skill for innovation and who looks for high achievements.

He is a catalytic agent of change and works for the good of people. He puts up new green-field projects that create wealth, open up many employment opportunities and leads to the growth of other sectors.

A classic example is that of Mr. Dhirubhai Ambani because he had all the dynamic qualities of a successful entrepreneur, as a result of which today, he was the owner of the largest private company in India. All decisions which he had taken to grow were instinct and no one had taught him to take decisions.

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