Tips to crack TYBMS Sem 5 Exams


Hiiiii friends,
I am Dhara Shah, bms graduate of the year 2010 and I got some guidance/tips for you tybms (sem 5) students to pass the exams with flying colors 🙂

As it is said “When we want success, there is always a way to achieve it”, there are some minor steps to be taken to achieve that success. So here are some tips for all the subjects you have been studying in TY BMS SEM V. I hope you make the best use of these tips.

There are in all six subjects that you have to study and i hope i don’t need to mention the subjects. Hope you know it.hahahaha… jokes apart………

Subjects like HRM, Business ethics and corporate social responsibility and Service sector management are to be studied in a continuous manner as the concepts are to be remembered. If your concepts are clear you will get a flow to write long answers.

While talking about Financial management, Logistics, and any of your elective papers you will have to do lots of practice and make sure that your all concepts and doubts are cleared time to time. “Practice makes man and woman perfect” and it will only make you to write perfectly and accurately in exam.

Passing criterion is as follows-

24 marks for theory,
16 marks for internal exams
= 50 marks (aggregate)

Question Paper Pattern-

Section I – 30 mks (compulsory)
1) Concept testing – 15 mks
2) Case study / problem /application – 15 mks
Section II – 30mks (any 3/4)
Each question carrying 10 marks

Hmmm… What Happened?
Chauk gaye? No need to worry.
Now let’s take a look on our favorite subjects (You have to make them favorite, even if you hate them like hell)


In this subject make sure that your all concepts are clear as it will make you easy to write long answers and will help you in your project if you wanna do in HRM.

2)Business ethics and corporate social responsibility:-
Business ethics is a subject wherein you just have to write how you have to be ethical and true while doing business and how you have to take care of your society while taking care of your business. So you have to just put in your logic in it.

3) Service Sector Management:-
In this subject you just have to mainly focus that your concepts should be clear as maximum marks are allocated to it and if your concepts are not clear you will not understand the whole subject and will not be able to write long answers. Make sure that every single concept is clear like water.

4) Financial management:-
This is a subject wherein you have to lots of practice as in this subjects you would have deep study of finance. Your basic concepts such as rules of accounts, principles should be clear and you should be thorough about it. work hard on this and you will get through good marks.

5) Logistics:-
Logistics is a subject wherein you will get to know or you will come across every area of logistics. for eg; supply chain management, production, process and every single thing how a product is produced. For this subject, regular reading and practicing sums will fetch you good marks. The subject seems easy but its not so easy. You have to work hard as last minute preparation will not do in this subject.

6) Elective papers:-
While studying for any of the subject just keep in mind you are doing specialization of this subject. You have to study in a practical manner as all the concepts would be identical with practical area. You should be very precise about all the concepts in this type of subject. Just keep revising again and again as it will help you to gain maximum marks. And finance guys keep practicing a lot as finance is really not so easy. don’t keep anything for option.

For case study, You need to have a good knowledge of the concepts + theory + use diagrams + creative thoughts wherever possible.

Time management is important as if you solve case study for 1 hour you will not get through any miracles…so keep practicing case study as much as possible. It will help you to increase your speed and knowledge and even you will be habituated how to write case studies…even read newspapers and books and keep updating your knowledge as it will help you to fetch good marks in case studies which are most important part in our paper.

Ideally, you should complete ur Section I within 1 hour ( ie. Concepts – 20 mins and Case study in 40 mins).
And for Section II, Take maximum 15 mins to write each question (i.e 15*3=45 mins) The remaining 15 mins (most of the people don’t get), but if you have completed within 1 hours, 45 mins. then it’s amazing.
U can have a rechecking kinda thing (wherein you will come to know ki ghai – ghai mein kitna words khaa gaye 😉 ). U can also use this time for “Line maaring” with scale and pencil in ur answer papers (obviously 😉 ) , underline the important points and words and tieing supplements and checking ur exam seat numbers and other all important details are in proper place and you have written that in each extra supplement you have asked for.

So refer to the past university papers and start solving from now.
High time guys!
I understand “projects complete karna hai, assignments submit karne hai, internal exams likhna hai, college fests organize karna hai, friends ke saath time spend karna hai… blah blah.... ”

I agree with the above all. But remember one thing,
Ur assignments + internal tests are only = 40 mks.
And for project, you are lucky enough to get Grade Marks like [ O, A, B, C, D, E, F…. bas… i know only this much alphabets.. 😉 ]
O – 75 to 100 mks
A- 64- 74 mks
B – 55-64 mks
C – 50-54 mks
D – 35-49 mks
E – 25-34 mks
F – 0-24 mks
Now this time it is 200 mks project (100 mks from internal guide, 100 mks from external guide/viva)
This you might be knowing i suppose. But the main point here is your 3 months of sem 5 goes on doing these things which will give you only less than 40 mks and you get the grade of the project in your sem 6 results only.

So plan out! Prepare a timetable (And please follow it). Even if you study 3 hours a day from today onwards, it will surely help you.
If you can’t study alone, form a group /team of your friends and ask questions based on the topics wich are already covered. Don’t neglect the above things and feel you can score in the external exams. As 40 mks are also important. So keep a balance between your internals and external exams. Make sure you ideally don’t miss any lecture (if you do, then do it at your own risk 😉 ) and even if you, please keep urself updated about what topics have been covered and start studying!

Management Studies is all about “Managing yourself in all spheres of life”. So, like a good management student, try to make the best use of your time and “manage your studies as well as other things”.

Success mantra” Don’t take tension, don’t pressurize yourself and don’t be stressed. Just chill and be happy. Exams tension, fever all happens. But just remember one thing in mind “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

-WRITTEN BY DHARA K SHAH (Ur Exam doctor 😉 )

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    1. You cannot write anything to make it huge. As you won’t be given extra supplements (last year it wasnt given)
      Write descriptive answers point-wise and then explain it. Make sure you write sensible answers.

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