Compare Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurs & Traditional Managers





Traditional Managers

1.    Primary Motive Independence, opportunity to create and money Independence and ability to advance in the corporate rewards Promotion and other traditional corporate rewards such as office staff
2.    Time orientation Survival and achieving 5-10 years growth of business Between entrepreneurial and traditional managers, depending on urgency to meet self-imposed and corporate time-table. Short-term meeting quotas and budgets, weekly monthly, quarterly and the annual planning horizon.
3.    Activity Direct involvement Direct involvement more than delegation Delegates and surprises more than direct involvement
4.    Risk Moderate risk-taker Moderate risk-taker Careful
5.    Status Not concerned about status symbol Not concerned about traditional status symbols— desires independence Concerned about status symbol
6.    Failure and mistakes Deals with mistakes and failures Attempts to hide risky from view unless ready Tries to avoids mistakes and supervises
7.    Decisions Follows dreams with decisions Able to get others to agree to help achieve dreams Usually agrees with those in upper management position
8.    Family history Entrepreneurial small business, professional or farm background Entrepreneurial small business, professional or farm background Family members work for large organisation
9.    Who serves Self and customers Self, customers and Sponsors Others
10. Relationship with others Transactions and deal- making as basic relationship Transaction within hierarchy Hierarchy as basic relationship

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Quest Tutorials
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