Distinguish between Entrepreneurial culture and administrative culture









1.    Strategic Orientation Driven by perception of opportunity Diminishing opportunities, rapidly changing technology, consumer economies, social values and political rules Driven by controlled resources Social contacts, performance measurement criteria, planning system and cycles
2.    Commitment to seize opportunities Revolutionary with short duration Action orientation, narrow dimensions, windows acceptance of resources risks, few dimension constituencies Evolutionary with long duration Acknowledgement of multiple constituencies, negotiation about strategic course, risk reduction coordination with existing resource base
3.    Commitment  of resources Many stages with minimal exposure at each stage Lack of predictable resources needs lack of control over the environment.  Social demands for appropriate use of resources.  Foreign competition.  Demand for more efficient resource use. A single stage with complete commitment out of decision, Need to reduce risk incentive, compensation turnover in manager’s capital budgeting system, formal planning system
4.    Control of resources Rent of required resources Increased resource specialization, long resource life compared with need, risk of obsolescence, risk inherent in the identified opportunity, inflexibility of permanent commitment of resources Ownership or employment of required resources Power, status and financial rewards, coordination of activity, efficiency measures, inaction and cost of changed industry structures
5.    Management structure Flat, with multiple informal networks  Coordination of key non-controlled resources, challenge to hierarchy, employees desire for independence Hierarchy Need for clearly defined authorities and responsibility organizational culture reward system management theory

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