FYBMS Sem 1 Syllabus



1) Foundation of Human Skill – I

Basics of human nature,
influence of heredity and environment,
basic dimensions of individual interaction in society,
characteristics of groups and their behavior,
nature of groups at work,

2) Finance And Cost Accounting

Introduction to accountancy,
Preparation of final statements of Accounts with adjustments, importance and advantages of cost accounting,
elements of cost,
cost classification,
preparation of cost sheets

3) Business Law

Indian Contract Act,
Companies Act,
Partnership Act,
Negotiable Instruments Act,
Laws relating to Agencies,
Sale of Goods,
Excise and Customs.

4) Quantitative Methods for Business – I

Basic Statistical Concepts,
Summarization of Data: Frequency Distribution; Measures of Central Tendency; Measure of Dispersion; Relative Dispersion – Skewness, Kurtosis.
Elementary Probability Theory: Relative Frequency Approach; Axiomatic Approach: Subjective Probability: marginal & Conditional Probability : Independence/Dependence of Events,
Elementary Statistical Distributions: Binomial, Poisson, Normal, Sampling, Estimation; Point and Interval, Sampling Distribution mean and proportion, Testing of Hypothesis,
Simple correlation and regression, Spearman’s rank correlation
Types of sampling, simple and random sampling, stratified sampling and cluster sampling,
Time series – Components of Time Series. Estimation of Trends and Seasonal Components.

5) Effective Communication – I

Concepts and meaning of communication,
types of communication,
Attributes of Effective Communication,
Barriers to effective communication,
basics of written business communication.

6) Principles of Management – I

importance and advantages of management,
Role and functions of a manager and activities of management.
All functional aspects of Management.
Management Practices and their applications in the Indian context. Concepts of profession and professionalization of management.
Role of values and ethics in management.

7) Introduction to computers

Basic computer concepts – Hardware and software classification of Computers including Digital, Analog and Hybrid.
Organisation of digital computers.
Input and output devices,
Centralised and Distributed Data Systems, Batch.
On line and real time processing.

Generations of computer including microprocessors main frames,
Basic concepts of Operating Systems (OS),
DBMS, Networking, LAN, WAN, Graphics, Programming Language Concepts, Computer Virus, Meaning, Types, Methods of elimination.
MS Office Word, Word-Processing, Excel-spread sheet, Access-Database, Power Point – Presentation.


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