Home shopping


There was a time when very high percentages of purchases were made through home shopping. Now in USA and other developed countries the role of home shopping has very much reduced and now does not account for more than 10 percent of total purchases. However, in India such purchases are much higher of the total, especially in rural areas where shops are few and on them all the products are not available. Therefore when a hawker or a salesperson visits a house, he induces the consumer to purchase from him. Many persons specially ladies purchase from them to save time and inconvenience to visit the market. In order to help consumers to buy sitting at home now many suppliers of food, drinks, ice-creams, pizza are delivered at home. Such purchases are increasing day by day and the share of home purchases in the recent years has gone up from 10 percent in 1999 to 15 percent in 2001 in Delhi as per the survey. But home purchases are of two types of goods. One those which are branded and well known and other in which brand does not matter or where it is felt that it is a bargain purchase when sales person of well known companies make door to door selling for sales promotion. In rural areas home purchases are also made of products, which are not available on the shop in villages.



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