Media Strategy Formulation



Product, competition, and objectives

  • What is the product, its uses, pack, price, method of distribution, level of distribution, type of outlet and seasonal rate of consumption?
  • What are competitive products and details, as for our own product?
  • What is the recent product sales and advertising history, including media effectiveness measurements?
  • What is a similar history for competitors?
  • What is the product and client company position relative to competitive products and companies?
  • What are the marketing, advertising and communication objectives and strategy?



  • Is there a media budget (excluding production costs) and, if so, what is it?
  • Or is there to be a recommendation on this?
  • If there is a budget, does it break down separately for theme, scheme and trade advertising?
  • What degree of flexibility is there in the budget?
  • Can provision be made of tactical reserves?
  • Does the advertiser qualify for additional discounts from other products?



  • When will the campaign start?
  • When will it finish?
  • What are the relevant cancellation and copy dates?
  • Can these rule out any medium?
  • When will firm decisions be made on commercial length, color, etc.?
  • When is the media plan to be presented?
  • When will the advertiser’s approval be obtained?
  • What are promotional plans/ sales cycles?



  • Who is the advertising aimed at? What is the demographic profile of the target market?
  • Is this medium definition contained in the data to be used in planning? In buying? In post-campaign evaluation?
  • If not, what definitions should be used?
  • What value in response terms has repetitions and domination of the target as against cover of the target?
  • What is the initial evaluation of matching or avoiding competitors?


  • How are sales, or outlets, or expansion opportunities distributed over the country?
  • How should advertising be spread over regions?



  • How should advertising be spread over the weeks of months of the campaign?
  • Within this, should advertising be evenly spread or in bursts/
  • Are special days or times important? How much more valuable are they?



  • What are the communication objectives in terms of type of communication, e.g. demonstration, mood.
  • What are the creative possibilities arising from communication objectives, and how do the media available compare in creative potential related to the communication objectives?


Outline recommendations

Possible media

  • Which media are feasible on objective grounds, given the type of product, timetable, availability situation, regionality requirements?
  • Do we already have options on time or space?
  • What is the availability situation? Does this rule out any medium?
  • What cover of the target do different media give?
  • What are the costs of exposing advertisements in each medium given:
  1. The target definition
  2. Realistic costs
  3. Advertisement/ page/ break factors?
  • Have we authority to take options? To make firm bookings?
  • If not, when will this be obtained?
  • Can media be told now what the product is? If not, when can they be told?
  • What qualitative or other factors should be taken into account as well as the cost of exposing advertisements to the target?
  • What is the effect of media choice expected to be on the trade?
  • Are there other services offered by media which would be useful?



  • What data is available on the past performance of the advertising?
  • What evidence exists of the effectiveness of given advertisements in different media in the markets under discussion?
  • What agency or client data is available on concept testing, image testing, post testing?
  • What market or creative research is planned? What pre- and post-campaign evaluation is planned?
  • Can media evaluation be built into the research?


Media choice

  • What is to be the main media group (is there to a main medium)?
  • What would be the result of spending the entire budget in the main media group?
  • Would it weaken the campaign seriously to spend less?
  • Would a campaign in this media group alone leave serious gaps?
  • Should other media groups be used- at what level of expenditure?
  • What criteria are to be used in constructing schedules?


Media buying/ negotiation

  • Have media owner’s representatives been contacted to establish minimum rates and maximum value obtainable, for selected media, and for possible alternatives?
  • Are all discounts available to advertiser known, taking into account his full range of expenditure in each medium concerned?
  • Has full use been made of marketing flexibility in the media timing plan to ensure optimum to ensure maximum value through negotiations with media owners?

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