Pull strategies



  • Bajaj Auto Ltd. offered a scheme of taking home a scooter at Rs 999 was a sales promotional offer communicated through effective advertising and was essentially a pull strategy.


This strategy may require little promotional efforts from the resellers except to stock input the product on shelves.


A pull strategy is appropriate when


  • The product demand as high.
  • It is possible to differentiate the product on the basis of real or emotional features,
  • Brand consumers show high degree of involvement in the product purchase,
  • There is reasonably highly brand loyalty and consumers make brand choice decision before they go to the store.


If a firm decides to use push strategy, its efforts are directed at resellers and the manufacturer becomes very dependent on their personal selling abilities and efforts.  The promotional efforts are focused at pushing the product through the distribution channels; the resellers may be required to display, demonstrate and offer discounts, to sell the product.  The communication to resellers is generally through trade circulars or the sales force.

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