Impact of SHG in the process of empowerment of women


The year 1975 was declared as a ‘year for women’. Also, the decade from 1975 to 1985 was declared as a ‘decade for women’. During this period, the movement for empowerment of women received a fillip. The importance of role of women, which consists 50% of the society, was highlighted in this span of period. It was emphasized that woman should get the same opportunities as that to men. The year 2001 was declared as a ‘year of women empowerment’. Efforts were being made in the direction that women should have a role in all walks of life; and special provisions should be made in the budget for activities related to the development of women. Many schemes were planned and started to be executed, at government level, in respect of women education, laws regarding prevention of atrocities on women, their participation in economic and political spheres etc. At this juncture, SHG movement also started and in a way journey towards women empowerment began.


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