Objectives of SHGs


1. Basically the SHGs are economic organisation. Small funds are raised for day today needs. The saving groups when transformed to earning groups not only increase the productivity of women but the credibility also.

2. Doors are wide open to women to understand and gain knowledge about Banking, Gram Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Law and Judiciary etc.

3. As economical solutions are available, the family structure is maintained.

4. SHG is a good way to stop the exploitation of consumers.

5. Broadening of view is a major gain. The ascending order of family, group, village,Tahsil, Zilla, Zone, State, Nation, World, makes the vision global.

6. Development of self-confidence is achieved.

7. A common platform is available for a dialogue and sharing of views.


Special features of SHG.


SHG is an organisation with fundamental principles like democratic approach and common decision-making, transparency, self-helping, repayment of loans and group development. The credibility of the group is dependent on these principles. Not only economical progress but also an ‘entire development’ is the aim and mutual trust among the members is the credo of SHG.


Purposes behind promoting SHGs.

The fundamental aim of promoting SHGs is poverty alleviation and to achieve empowerment of women. The recent trends show significant changes in the promotional strategies for the SHGs. Financial needs like banking, saving, insurance etc, getting subsidies, building organisations to gain political power also, are the purposes behind some of the SHGs. Today like Bangladesh & India, SHG movement is spreading in other Asian Countries and Latin America, Africa etc. SHG movement has got importance in the social movement. This year (2005) the Central Government of India has announced a plan to promote7 lakh SHGs, all over the country. The State Government of Maharashtra has also announced to promote 5 lakh SHGs within next 2 years (i.e. 2005 to 2007)

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