Critical Incidents.
Critical incidents are specific encounters between customers and services employees that are especially satisfying or dissatisfying for one or both parties. The critical incident technique like CIT technology is used for collecting and categorizing such incidents in service encounters. Conducting such and analysis offers and opportunity to determine which types of incidents during service delivery are likely to be particularly significant in determining whether or not customers are satisfied.
Finding from a CIT study can be very helpful pinpointing opportunities for future improvements in service delivery processes. Determining the most likely failure points in service encounters where there is a risk of significantly upsetting customer, is the first step` in taking corrective action to avoid such incidents. Similarly CIT finding concerning the nature of incident that customer to find very satisfying may enable managers to train their employees to replicate such positive experiences in the future.
In insurance sector a service provider makes less meeting with the customer. And hence reduces the scope of critical incidents. Generally an insurance advisor makes two meeting to make a sale to the customer.