Elements of Public Relations



  1. Human relations:

It is getting along well with the word public both internally or externally.  No person can work independently & everyone who works in an organization directly or indirectly depends on one another.


  1. Empathy:

Empathy means feeling with the other person to analyse others point of view & is regarded as primary pre-requisite for a satisfying experience in a relationship where a certain degree of depth of understanding is expected.


  1. Persuasion:

There are 2 forms of interaction between individuals or groups

a)      Force or compulsion b) persuasion.

If one party compels another to do something instead of persuing him this is called Depotism. It is against the principle of proper conduct sanctioned by society.  A sense of human interest on the person who is being persuaded will understand & appreciate the cause & effect of this action.


  1. Dialogue:

It is a conversation with purpose.  It is not a bargain basement transaction but it is a low form of negotiation.  Dialogue is a reasonable exchange of ideas bringing into view a new form of knowledge, the use of dialogue is for influencing behaviour like selling goods or inspiring innovative ideas.




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